For eight consecutive years ProAves has developed this festival in order to work for the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of critically endangered species, like the Blue-billed Curassow, with special emphasis on birds and their habitats. Likewise, it seeks to increase community interest in conservation programs undertaken by the Foundation and raise awareness of the situation facing the Blue-billed Curassow (Crax alberti) and other endangered species of the region.
The central theme of the VIII Blue-billed Curassow Festival focused on ecosystems, because most of the economic activities taking place in the town of Puerto Pinzón require some use of natural resources and undoubtedly leave a mark on the ecosystems in the municipality.
A total of 42 activities were developed, including ecological workshops, the making of masks and flags for the closing parade, development of a mural and mass activities with the participation of 2 Rural Schools, Quince Letras y Dos Quebradas, the Puerto Pinzón school and the wider community of the town.
Environmental education activities developed in the Reserve sought to link with the community directly in the conservation efforts of the Blue-billed Curassow conducted by ProAves was developed and a visit by students and some parents of the school Puerto Pinzón with the aim of learning about this species and other flora and fauna present there.
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34 people also participated in touring the road to the reserve, there was a related introduction to the El Paujil Bird Reserve and then ??a one-hour drive was made along the paths. They were given Field Guides of the Birds of Colombia in Spanish version and festival T-shirts.
Afterwards, we summoned the whole community to the formal ceremony involving students and teachers of Puerto Pinzón School, there were cultural events like songs, poems, coplas, an ecological costume contest and presentations of organic material produced by students like billboards.
Finally, with the participation of at least 400 people including children, youths, teachers, parents and the community at large from the district of Puerto Pinzón, the parade was made ??to close the VIII 2012 Blue-billed Curassow Festival through the main streets of the town to carry an educational message of conservation to the community.
ProAves wishes to thank the entire community of the town of Puerto Pinzón for their presence, commitment and full support for the activities in this festival, especially the educational community, the director of the institution, each of the teachers who with open arms welcomed us and allowed this festival to be possible, to students for their cooperation and participation in activities that were developed because they were the main motivation for this event.
With support from:
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