Friday 9 July 2010.
The great variety of exotic and rare frogs that exist in Colombia has attracted illegal fauna traffickers from Europe, coordinated by Mr. Daniele Buonvolere, a German living in the city of Cologne.
From direct and confidential informant in Germany, ProAves has been informed that a sophisticated network of illegal and unscrupulous collectors are planning to visit Colombia and illegally collect and export the rarest frogs found only in Colombia. Many are new species or recently discovered morphs that do not exist outside of Colombia.
Orders and money are being exchanged to collect the rarest species in the wild and illegally export them through the mailing system. Specifically we have learnt that the blue morph of the Harlequin Poison Frog Oophaga histrionicus in Narino are being targeted.
From the information we were provided with, we know that the trade in these species is coordinated by Mr. Daniele Buonvolere, a German living in the city of Cologne, who is known to engage in this deplorable practice.
Fundación ProAves has directly alerted officials in the Ministerio de Ambiente Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, Corporación Autónoma Regional de Nariño CORPONARIÑO and DAS (immigration agents) to alert the authorities to prevent the illegal capture of fauna.
Agencies in Europe and Germany have also been informed to be in close surveillance of Daniele Buonvolere and three other individuals of European origin.
We hope to curb the illegal trafficking of wildlife and to increase checks at airports, and call on communities to be vigilant in protecting our natural wealth.
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