Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Andean Parrots Birds Reserve

11 February, 2010


(Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons)


The Andean Parrots Birds Reserve was established on 21st April 2009 with the aim of protecting the habitat of five endangered species of parrots among we have the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus Icterotis) (CR), the Fuertes’s Parrot (Hapalopsittaca fuertesi) (CR) and Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons) (VU), and also preserve the Golden-plumed Parakeet (Leptosittaca branickii) (VU) and the Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsitaca amazonina) (VU) and 10.063072 ha of conservation Andean forest and moorland in the town of Roncesvalles Tolima. 

Location and Area:

The Reserve is part of the Central Cordillera Conservation Corridor of Threatened Andean Parrots, which is located between the towns of Roncesvalles, Tolima and Genova in the department of Quindío; the Fuertes’s Parrot Bird Reserve consists of 657 hectares, El Mirador of 2,035 hectares and Loros Andinos of 4,072 hectares giving us a total of more than 6,700 hectares of Andean forest, high Andean plateau and moorland protected by the corridor.  (See Map).

With the establishment of the corridor the protection of forests that were previously highly threatened by human activities such as cutting trees for wood, extraction of wood for domestic use, construction and development of coal, growing potatoes and livestock is ensured.

Biological Significance:

The reserve is home to 5 endangered species of parrots including 3 endemic to Colombia: the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus Icterotis) (CR), Fuertes’s Parrot (Hapalopsittaca fuertesi) (CR) and Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons) (VU), and so preserve the Golden-plumed Parakeet (Leptosittaca branickii) (VU) and the Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsitacca amazonina) (VU).

Additionally, we found populations of large mammals as the spectacled bear, mountain tapir and deer.


The area has a climate with bimodal rainfall between 2,500 and 3,200 mm of rain, temperatures range between 9 and 16 ° C

Biophysical characteristics:

the reserve includes a large sample of Andean forest and moorland. Similarly, the area where the reserve is located has the source of a great number of bodies of water of vital importance for the development of communities in the municipality of Roncesvalles, specifically the source of the rivers Cucuanita and Cucuana from which the aqueduct takes water for the town of Roncesvalles favoring the community in this regard.


Project Ognorhynchus.

The project has been carried out since 1998 in the town of Roncesvalles and seeks to protect the population of Yellow-eared Parrot present in this municipity through conservation activities and the restoration of its natural habitat, environmental education activities and research.


Silvopastoral Project, Ecological Easements, Environmental Restoration and artificial nests program.


Parrot Bus and Bird Friendly Schools.


Accommodation for 4 people.


watching threatened and endemic bird species, landscaping, trail to moorland lakes, hummingbird fountains, Grallaria feeder – Tororoi de urrao (Grallaria fenwickorum).

General recommendations:

  • Respect the natural values of the reserve, the plants and animals.
  • The collection of biological material is forbidden.
  • Follow the instructions of the reserve staff and travel on established trails.
  • Camping on the reserve is not allowed
  • Coats for the cold, Pantanal boots and waterproofs must be worn.
  • Desinfectar calzado con hipoclorito o clorox para prevenir la dispersión del hongo quitridio (una de las principales causas de muerte de anfibios en el mundo).

Income and visits:

With the support of:

abc iucn lpf
worldlandtrust roncesvalles

Roncesvalles (Tolima)


Génova (Quindío)
