Establishment: In order to protect the habitat of the Dusky Starfrontlet (Coeligena orina) and conserve a sample of one of the moorland ecosystems in the best state of preservation in Colombia, ProAves established the Dusky Starfrontlet Bird Reserve on 6th October 2005. Location and Area: It is located in the village of El Chuscal, on the axis of the Cordillera Occidental, at a distance of 17 km north of the town of Urrao, Antioquia, and has an area of 1.801 acres of high Andean forest and moorland, which comprises a large portion of the watershed of the creek Santa Barbara, one of the main tributaries of Urrao. It is located between 2,800m and 4,060m above sea level. (See map). Biological Significance:
Some species of birds found in the reserve are the Dusky Starfrontlet (Coligena orina), critically endangered, Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsittaca amazonina), the Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer (Diglossa gloriosissima), The Moustached Antpitta (Grallaria alleni), in a vulnerable state, and Golden-crowned Tanager (Iridosornis rufivertex). Recently, at the reserve, was discovered a new species of Grallaria, known as Urrao Antpitta (Grallaria fenwickorum). Moreover, the site is recognized as an area of labor and training or Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatos), which holds the vulnerable category. Climate: The climate is bimodal, with rainfall ranging between 2,500m and 3,000 mm and a minimum temperature of between 2 and 18 º C.
Biophysical Features: The reserve is composed of oaks (Quercus humboltii) in good condition and mixed forest epiphytes. Above 3,500 m., the moorland presents associations, including the endemic Frailejón de Frontino (Espeletia frontinoensis) and chaparrales dominated by associations of (Polylepis quadrijuga). Its terrain is predominantly mountainous, with about 70% of the area with steep slopes, 20% hills and 10% flat. The soils have Andic, high porosity, medium textured, moderately well-structured and highly acidic properties. As for flora, for the area 450 species belonging to 247 genera included in 136 families of fanerogamas and Cryptogamas have been reported. Among them was found a new species of Asteraceae, which was described by Cuatrecasas as Espeletia frontinoensis.
Conservation: Ecological easements y Restoration, reforestation programs of the Páramo del Sol, páramo conservation plan of the Páramo del sol and Artificial nests program. Research:
Monitoring Migratory Bird, evaluation of the Dusky Starfrontlet population status, monitoring the Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsittaca Amazonina).
Education: Bird friendly Schools and Parrot Bus.
Facilities: Capacity of accommodation for ten people; electricity and potable water.
Tourist Attractions: Belleza paisajística, avistamiento de aves amenazadas, Eco ruta del Sol, mirador Páramo del Sol y sendero Rusty faced, bebederos para colibríes y comederos para Grallaria – Tororoide urrao (Grallaria fenwickorum). General recommendations:
Admission and tours: Contact: visit@conservation.co or visit: Colibrí del Sol Ecolodge
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