(Vermivora chrysoptera) |
Alianza Alas Doradas is a Golden-winged Warbler research and conservation group. The Golden-winged Warbler is a migratory bird listed as Near Threatened on its non-breeding grounds.
Alianza Alas Doradas is open to any researcher or conservationist who contributes non-breeding ground information about the Golden-winged Warbler. Its goal is to conserve the species and its associated habitats by implementing recommendations and strategies for long-term protection in areas of Latin America where the bird migrates and is resident.
The group was started by members of the International Committee for Golden-winged Warbler Non-breeding Ground Research, Monitoring, and Conservation during the August 2005 Conservation Workshop held in Siren, WI. It is open to any person and/or organization interested in working cooperatively for the conservation of the species and associated species.
To join the Alianza’s listserve, send an email to listserv@listserv.uark.edu with the following text in the body of the message (not the subject line): Subscribe GWWINT-L and your name. You will be notified by email with listserve instructions when your subscription has been processed.
The Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) and the Blue-winged Warbler (V. pinus) are species of high conservation interest (Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan, 2004). In particular, the Golden-winged Warbler has experienced more than a 50% decline in its breeding ground populations over the last 35 years (Breeding Bird Survey). The main hypotheses to explain this population decline include climate change, loss of habitat on breeding and non-breeding grounds, mortality during migration, and hybridization with the Blue-winged Warbler.
Alexander Monsalve
Subdirector de Investigación
Fundación ProAves
Tom Will
Alianza Alas Doradas Co-Chair
US Fish and Wildlife Service
David Buehler
Working Group Chair
Reseach Co-Chair
Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
University of Tennessee
Rachel Vallender
Research Co-Chair
Amber Roth
Breeding Grounds Management Conservation Committee Chair
Outreach Chair
School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
Michigan Technological University
Mailing List
We have developed a mailing list for all the Working Group GWWALL-L for the purpose of exchanging information relevant to the conservation of Golden-winged Warbler. The mailing list will be the main way to stay updated on the conservation actions we take, upcoming meetings, etc.
To register, send an email to listserv@listserv.uark.edu. This email address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This email address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and type in the message body (not the sender):
SUBSCRIBE GWWALL-L, followed by your name.
You can also subscribe to various committees by sending a message to various mailing lists:
Comité de Investigación y Monitoreo en Áreas de Reproducción:
SUBSCRIBE GWWRM-L, followed by your name.
Comité de Conservación y Manejo en Áreas de Reproducción:
SUBSCRIBE GWWCON-L, followed by your name.
Comité de Conservación en Areas no reproductivas (Alianza Alas Doradas):
SUBSCRIBE GWWINT-L, followed by your name.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email with information about how the list works, such as sending messages and how to get out of it.
Related news
Why are migratory warblers in decline?
Tuesday 12 January 2010.
As many as half a million tiny Golden-winged warblers used to make the annual round trip flight from Latin America to the USA and Canada. Now, the number is down to 200.000 and an international consortium is trying to find answers.
Multi-national efforts to save Golden-winged Warbler
Monday 14 December 2009.
An intensive research program was conducted in four countries by members of the Alas Doradas Alliance with the objective of determining the abundance, distribution and habitat preferences of this rare and declining Neotropical migrant during its non-breeding residence in Central America and Colombia.