Colombia is a biologically rich and diverse country. There are 1889 bird species, 358 types of mammals and more than 45000 types of plants. However, the rich Andean ecosystem is in danger because of deforestation. During the last 150 years, 80% of the grassland areas have been devastated by intensive farming and cattle, consequently the survival of 80% of native Colombian bird species has been endangered. Today it only remains a 5% of the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) habitat.
The Wax Palm (Ceroxylum quindiuense) is the nacional tree of Colombia and it is also endangered. The population of Wax Palms is aged and it is not being replaced by young individuals. Cattle feed on the grasslands, thus eating the Wax Palm seeds and preventing the tree species from reproducing at a natural speed. Permanent Wax tree deforestation and the fragmentation of the habitat are endangering the tree species survival. There is a critical and immediate need to preserve the Wax Palm.