Healthy Planet’s Adopt a plot
Healthy Planet was created to inspire, motivate and support individuals and businesses around the world to make a difference to themselves, their children and the planet.
Through Healthy Planet, you can support conservation by adopting a plot in the Giles Fuertesi Reserve. We need your help to protect and restore 368 acres of critical cloud forest habitat to save one of the most endangered parrots in the world, the Fuertes’s Parrot. To donate click here.
With the help of Healthy Planet’s land adoption projects, ProAves managed to acquire around 3000 acres of some of the last remaining humid lowland forest in the Magdalena Valley. This protected habitat is known as the “El Paujil Nature Reserve”. Aside from birds, the reserve is one of the last refuges for several species of endangered and endemic lowland forest animals, including the Variegated Spider Monkey (one of the 25 rarest primates on earth), the Magdalena Lowland Tapir, and the Fallox Robber Frog. You can read the whole story at