The Reciprocal Agreements for Water -ARAS- continue to promote the protection of the high Andean forests, watersheds and endangered species in the municipality of Jardín, Antioquia. The goal is to sign eight agreements with owners of significant water production for forested areas.

The year begins with the identification of the owners who are interested in signing ARAS, this is achieved through visits to each of the properties upstream strategically located in the villages of Quebrada Bonita and Herrera; also voluntary contribution receipts will be distributed and urns will be installed to start the collection of these contributions by the users of the water service in the town of Jardín, these resources will be used to encourage homeowners who signed up to maintain their properties.
The interagency committee called the ” Committee for the Conservation of High Andean Forests and Watersheds Jardín A. ” composed of officials from the Municipality, representatives of educational institutions , Boards of rural and urban community action, the water company Ingeniería Total, Jardín Environmental Table , representatives of Aqueducts Multiveredales and ProAves is responsible for promoting voluntary contributions from the community and to visit the properties for the characterization of biological significance for the conservation of water sources , implement the signatures of the ARAS for delivery of incentives and generate support among other entities to strengthen the process of compensation band the development of the Pride Campaign.
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Visits to landlords and identification of strategic properties to sign the ARAS in Jardín and the first meeting of the Conservation Committee in 2014.
Parallel to these activities continuity will be given to strengthen the Pride Campaign through environmental workshops with owners and residents of the villages of the upper basin, spots and radio programs, ecological slots on television , community meetings in urban and rural areas with the community of Jardin, nature walks for the recognition of natural heritage and other cultural and educational outreach events to strengthen the spread of the ARAS project and the sense of ownership by the municipality for the conservation of the watersheds, the high Andean forests and endangered species such as the Yellow eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) EN and the Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) VU.
The support of institutions and organizations such as the Heritage Fund, The University of Antioquia, The water company Ingeniería Total, Jardín Public Enterprises, The Jardín City Hall, Corantioquia, National Police, District Integrated Management Cuchilla Jardín Támesis and Jardín Environmental Table have allowed the ARAS in Jardín to become a reality in 2014, for high basin owners who will benefit from the incentives and with their desire to protect are providing a better quality of life to downstream users who receive fresh water and healthy forests for the preservation of many species.
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