Our membership section is responsible for designing and supporting specific strategies to achieve the interaction with communities, which seeks, by conducting environmental education and communication activities, to link them to the membership that the foundation offers.
Through different activities that have taken place during these 13 years of work and with the support of the entire team, we have managed to increase the number of members and we expect these numbers to continue to grow.
It is noteworthy that in 2001 ProAves Foundation began its membership with 10 active members and like its conservation achievements this figure grew year after year, in this way, in 2005 ProAves had 54 active members and the scope and recognition of their actions was increasing.
Through our conservation actions, research and environmental education we have been able to reach out to more people not only in our country but also in other parts of the world with the news of our achievements, so for the year 2010 we had 772 active members that share our mission and support our actions.
It is very rewarding for The ProAves Foundation and we are proud to announce that to date we have a membership made ??up of 965 people between Colombians and foreigners, which demonstrates the increased interest in the community for the conservation of species and their habitat.
We would like to thank you for your interest in joining the membership of ProAves; it is very gratifying to have people who like us are very passionate for nature.
Helping us conserve threatened bird species in Colombia and becoming a member ProAves is easy, you must simply have a clear commitment to conservation and identify with our mission, principles and purpose.
To access the membership it is necessary to register through a form you’ll find on our website www.proaves.org
or you can follow this link:
From the moment you make your registration you will begin receiving information regarding activities and events we develop, likewise you will receive our newsletter Aleteo periodically, an invitation to participate in our events, 10% discount for the purchase of books published by the Foundation, among others.
We hope to continue to have your support!