The Niceforo’s Wren Bird Reserve is now registered as a Civil Society Reserve through resolution 057 of June 10 2014, being now part of the National System of Protected Areas.
We are pleased to announce the union of a new nature reserve to the National System of Protected Areas SINAP (for its acronym in Spanish) its the Niceforo’s Wren Bird Reserve
The Reserve is located in the Municipality of Zapatoca, Santander and was created in 2006 based on the urgency to preserve one of the most threatened ecosystems in Colombia and the world, the tropical dry forest, home of a large number of unique plant and animal species to this particular and almost extinct ecosystem.
In the area there are two species of endemic and endangered birds in the Chicamocha Canyon, the Niceforo’s Wren (Thryothorus nicefori) and chestnut-bellied hummingbird (Amazilia castaneiventris), as well as two species and three subspecies of endemic birds and a threatened species of cactus.
In June it was decided to register ProAves Reserve as a natural reserve of the Civil Society through resolution 057 of June 10, 2014, and is now part of the National System of Protected Areas (SINAP). But what are the benefits this new figure?

The Natural Reserves of the Civil Society are a figure of private conservation dedicated to the conservation of sample plots of natural ecosystems established at the discretion of the owners and defined by Law 99 of 1999. The objective is highlighted on the integrated sustainability criteria for handling that guarantees the conservation, preservation, regeneration or restoration of the natural ecosystems contained therein.
For ProAves it is a very important linkage of the field as this figure emphasizes state recognition of the conservation initiative begun over 8 years ago in this town in Northeastern Colombia.
For more information about SINAPs visit http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.co