Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Niceforo’s Wren back to its natural habitat

31 May, 2013


This important finding demonstrates that transformed ecosystem management through the implementation of conservation tools such as reforestation of native species, conservation easements and working hand in hand with communities allows the repopulation of historic areas by species with restricted ranges of distribution.

This conservation achievement not only expands the reported range for this species, but further opens the possibility of recovering the populations of species such as the Chestnut-Bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia castaneiventris) and the Recurve-billed Bushbird (Clytoctantes alixii, both endangered (EN) and historically present in this area of shade coffee and cacao.


Niceforo’s Wrens (Thryophilus nicefori)

Through the support of institutions such as American Bird Conservancy, El Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez, the commitment and interest of the community of the municipality of San Vicente de Chucuri and the team of Fundación ProAves, this conservation corridor has been established and strengthened for more than four year. It was established with the objective of generating connectivity between protected areas, to conserve migratory birds and native species in over 247 acres between the Cerulean Warbler Bird Reserve located in the Serranía de los Yariguíes and the Helmeted Curassow Bird Reserve, located in Cerro de la Paz. Recently several individuals have been recorded of the Niceforo’s Wren (Pheugopedius nicefori), a critically endangered species endemic to our country.

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