Friday 21 May 2010.
The bird is called Grallaria fenwickorum (“Fenwick’s Antpitta” in English and “Tororoi de Urrao” in Spanish), in honor of the President of American Bird Conservancy (ABC), George Fenwick, and his family for their unconditional commitment to the conservation of birds in Colombia.
“I am deeply honored by this appointment. I know it reflects equally the contributions of my family and the organization ABC (American Bird Conservancy), who have promoted many sound conservation efforts for birds in Colombia,” said Dr. George Fenwick.
“I am particularly pleased that this effort was achieved without the loss of the bird’s life. Rare and special birds like this should not be sacrificed in this process,” he added.
“This family and ABC have done much in the last 8 years on behalf of the Colombian bird conservation, and I look forward to the continuation of these great achievements for decades to come,” said Ambassador Barco.
The hostess of honor was Wendy Paulson, who is a leading conservationist in DC. Dr. George H. Fenwick president of American Bird Conservancy also attended. On behalf of ProAves were present David Caro, Executive Director, Alonso Quevedo, Director General, Eliane Arzuza, Director of Development and Cristian Olaciregui, Assistant Director of Protected Areas (Caribbean).
This event was an excellent opportunity to showcase the important work that is being carried out by ProAves and the recognition and support it receives abroad.