Thanks to the community, the Yellow-eared Parrot and the Wax Palm have recovered their populations. ProAves 15 Years conserving.

Since the start of the campaign in 2002, the community has shown their commitment every day to avoid using the wax palm as a palm branch in the Catholic celebration of Palm Sunday. With a great contribution to the conservation of Yellow-eared Parrot and the Wax palm, the Reconcile with Nature campaign gives Colombia a party in harmony with the environment.
Improving the philosophy of the campaign focuses on preventing the use of endangered species of palm in Colombia , ProAves is implementing a series of environmental education activites with the communities of the towns of Jardín, Antioquia; Genova, Quindio; Roncesvalles and Cajamarca, Tolima and Minca, Santa Marta, aimed at prevention.
Through radio programs, ProAves seeks to publicize the ecological importance of these species for balance and perpetuity of the fragile ecosystems as valuable habitats for many species of animals such as yellow-eared parrots, toucans, woodpeckers, spectacled bears and for the human being.
Also, we have been doing ecological workshops in rural educational centers, nature walks, visits to nature reserves and excursions for bird watching; with these activities contact of the community with nature is strengthened forming in turn leaders who multiply the message to protect the natural heritage of our country.
As usual, for the launch of the campaign a simultaneous event will be held in Bogotá and the towns. The March 25th Campaign Launch was held in Bogotá, in partnership with the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca CAR, Secretaria Distrital de Ambiente, the Colombian Episcopate, Jardineros S.A, Jardín Botánico de Bogotá, the Carabineros Police, Transport Terminal and the Fiscalía General de la Nación, in a press conference, where the positive statistics against decreased use of the palms on this date were announced; also, efforts for prevention and control were invited to continue, and the use of alternatives to the palm branches, like living plants, amero branches or craft and white flowers.
In the towns the launch was celebrated with drawing competitions, networking events of the achievements of 15 years of work of ProAves in cultural and artistic activities.

Activities to celebrate Palm Sunday by region:
Bogotá: April 6th celebrating Mass in the Eucharistic Templete at the Simon Bolivar Park and live plants will be given supported by Jardineros S.A.
April 13th: At the Palm Sunday ceremony in Bogotá, the Jardín Botánico will be given live plants to attendees.
In other towns where we have permanent environmental education activities, we will, with the support of members of ProAves environmental groups such as Friends of Birds and Social Service, accompany the Environmental Police officers installed at control posts addressing the occupants of vehicles with recreational activities and pedagogical information on the legal framework of the illegal trafficking of wild fuana and flora.
In the procession of Palm Sunday, we will be giving away live native plants, seeds of ornamental plants, white pumps and flowers, these events will include musical groups, theater, cinema in the park and environmental fairs, all geared to continue on the path of prevention.
With the support of: