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Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) |
The Yellow eared Parrot Bird Reserve was established on May 6th, 2006, in order to ensure survival and to promote conservation actions targeting populations of Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) and Wax Palma (Ceroxylon quindiuense), national tree of Colombia and in danger of extinction, areas of Jardín, and Riosucio and Antioquia, Caldas, Colombia.
Location and Area:
It is located in the village of Ventanas, an hour’s journey from the Township of Jardín, (Antioquia) on the road that links this municipality with Riosucio, Caldas. It has an area of 465 acres and has altitudes ranging from 1,900 to 2,600m above sea level is classified by the Alliance for Zero Extinction as an AZE site. (See Map).
Biological Significance:
The most important birds for conservation are the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) and the Dusky Starfrontlet (Coeligena orina), among others. The wildlife is rich and varied, with mammals such as the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and deer. Within the characteristic vegetation of the reserve stocks of the Wax Palm (Ceroxylon quindiuense) can be found and a species of Passion Flower endemic to the area of Jardín (Passiflora jardinensis).
Registers temperatures ranging between 4 and 24 ° C.
Physical aspects and ecosystem:
The reserve is located in a montane rain forest, of which 97% relate to areas of natural forest areas and 3% being regeneration. It has two water sources that originate at the headwaters.
Project Ognorhynchus, ecological restoration, Co-operation and Silvopastoral, Artificial nests program, and Wax Palm nurseries.
Environmental Education:
Campaign Reconciled with nature, parrot bus, friends of birds schools, bird friends group.
Capacity of accommodation for eight people.
Hiking and bird watching can be done on the reservation, drinking places for hummingbirds, feeders for Grallaria (Grallaria fenwickorum), parrot dormitories, Wax Palm nursery.
General Recommendations:
Respect the natural values of the reserve, plants, and animals.
Collection of biological material is forbidden.
Follow the instructions of the park personnel and keep to the footpaths.
Pantanera boots should be worn as well as raincoats.
Health problems/or allergies should be reported.
Disinfect shoes with Clorox or bleach to prevent the spread of the chytrid fungus (one of the leading causes of death in amphibians in the world).
Admission and tours:
With the support of:
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ProAves and the Yellow-eared Parrot in the Audubon Magazine
Tuesday 3 Abril 2012.
In the latest edition of the renowned Audubon Magazine (March-April 2012), writer Susan McGrath describes her tour through Colombia, her visits to ProAves reserves, and the historic rediscovery of the Yellow-eared Parrot and its remarkable recovery after it was believed to be extinct.
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10 years of saving the Yellow-eared Parrot
Monday 30 November 2009.
Thanks to ten years of conservation efforts with over 180 people, ProAves is delighted to report the recovery of the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) from 81 individuals in 1999 to over 1000 in 2009.
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Yellow-eared Parrot added to municipality shield
Tuesday 24 November 2009.
Thanks to our conservation work in Jardin, Antioquia, the Yellow-eared Parrot has been named as the municipality’s official bird. The community of Jardin have also changed their shield to add the parrot.