Monday 8 February 2010.
ProAves is seeking interns or volunteer to undertake research and conservation actions for the Critically Endangered Brown Spider Monkey Ateles hybridus and Blue-billed Curassow Crax alberti at their stronghold population site of El Paujil Bird Reserve.
The aim is to sustain viable populations of both the Brown Spider Monkey and Blue-billed Curassow, both Critically Endangered and associated with many other endangered and endemic biodiversity in the rainforests of the Magdalena Valley, through targeted and efficient conservation actions.
1. Installation and manage 15 trail camera traps to record the presence and behavioral aspects of the Blue-billed Curassow and other species.
2. Transect surveys of Brown Spider Monkey and Blue-billed Curassow in and outside the protected area.
3. Follow individuals of the Blue-billed Curassow with radio-transmitters.
4. Support the process of training local people as guides and habitat management.
Field experience with birds and/or mammals, knowledge of ecology, fit and health, available for a minimum two months and enthusiastic.
Profile: Biologist / ecologist at University or graduate.
The site:
El Paujil Bird Reserve, Serranía de las Quinchas (Departments of Boyacá and Santander)
Interested send resume and letter of intent to Sandra at emails: o sescudero@