Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Submit your slingshot

10 February, 2009




Since 2007 with the support of the Parrot Bus, the implementation of the campaign “submit your slingshot is an initiative to invite kids and youngsters to be aware of a respectful and friendly behavior towards the wilderness in the regions they live in.


This campaign is basically the delivery of slingshots in exchange of packages with educational material and a membership to the Bird Friends Ecological Groups, which aims to change the relationship the kids and youngsters have with their environment and the birds in the regions they live in.


ProAves leads the campaign where its projects are being implemented, in places visited by the Loro Bus, promoting conservation and respect for nature. Thanks to this initiative, many kids and youngsters are setting many birds free.

This campaign is possible thanks to the support ad the American Bird Conservancy Loro Parque Fundación and  Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund

abc lpf disney
entrega_tu_cauchera parrotsociety




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Slingshot Amnesty success
Friday 2 May 2008.

It is all to common place to see children carrying slingshots with the sole purpose of hunting birds. ProAves launched a campain against hunting birds across Colombia and delighted when over 330 children voluntariary handed slingshots and traps to ProAves staff.