Wednesday 15 April 2009.
ProAves has published its 2008 Annual Report, summarizing its main achievements during 2008 and its first decade of work, including the establishment of 15 Bird Reserves, protection of threatened birds in Colombia and a significant contribution to the recovery of many species, such as the Yellow-eared Parrot.
In Protecting critical habitat section, ProAves shows how, among other great achievements, owing and protecting 42,575 acres of montane, paramo, subtropical, tropical rainforest and dry forest, and mangrove and coastal zone, together with other conservation activities, ProAves is helping to protect 78% of threatened bird species in Colombia.
Sections include: Saving endangered species, with aspects such as the artificial nests program has successful fledged 239 individuals of threatened parrots; Science for conservation highlights the discovery of 3 bird species for science, and Conserving with the community displays actions such as 74 Bird Friendly Schools. Finally, Institutional strengthening, presents several factors that have helped ProAves develop in 2008.
ProAves wishes to thanks its many partners that made possible these activities and the dedicated and committed staff of ProAves that made so many achievements possible.
Download the annual report in Spanish (as PDF) at the end of this note.