Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves
The ProAves Las Tángaras Reserve was created to protect the habitat of two endemic bird species: the Golden-ringed Tanager (Bangsia aureocincta) and the Black-and-gold Tanager (Bangsia melanochlamys), as well as other species of importance for the Biogeographic Chocó.
Tropical forests
Premontane Very Humid Forest
Low Montane Rainforest
Temperate super humid
Cold superhumid
Altitudinal Range:
Between 1,100 to 3,300 meters above sea level
In this conservation area, close to:
Entre las aves registradas en la zona están:
La Perdiz Santandereana (Odontophorus strophium), el Inca negro (Coeligena prunellei), la Amazilia
Buchicastaña (Amazilia castaneiventris), el Torito Dorsiblanco (Capito hypoleucus), el Hormiguero de
Parker (Cercomacra parkeri), el Tapaculo Ratón Scytalopus latebricola), el Tordo montañero
(Macroagelaius subalaris) y el hormiguero pico de hacha (Clytoctantes alixii).
Así mismo, es posible ver:
La Rana Venenosa (Myniobates virolinensis) y mamíferos como el
Oso de Anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), el Puma (Puma concolor)
Take a bus from the Surandina company at the Southern Terminal heading to the municipality of Carmen de Atrato, Chocó.
Once at Paraje El Siete, you can take an express transport to the Reserve facilities, approximately a 15-minute ride.
It’s not necessary to go all the way to the municipality of Carmen de Atrato.
Any vehicle is suitable for transportation to the Nature Reserve.
Approximate travel time: 5 hours.
Note: From the cabin of the Nature Reserve to the trails, there is a distance of 8 kilometers, so visitors should arrange transportation in advance or have their own.
Las Tángaras ProAves Reserve is located in the municipality of Carmen de Atrato, department of Chocó.
Among the registered birds in the area, the following stand out:
The Tatamá Tangara (Bangsia aureocincta), the Black-and-gold Tanager (Bangsia melanochlamys), the Chocó Vireo (Vireo masteri), the Purplish-mantled Tanager (Iridosornis porphyrocephala), the Indigo Flowerpiercer (Diglossa Indigotica), the White-bearded Manakin (Margarornis stellatus), and several species of hummingbirds such as Coeligena wilsoni, Boissaneaua jardini, and Heliodoxa imperatrix.
Additionally, it is possible to observe amphibians from the families Centrolenidae, Bufonidae, and Strabomantidae, with the notable presence of salamanders from the genus Bolitoglossa.
Regarding flora, there is a remarkable presence of numerous epiphytes and orchids (gen. Epidendrum sp), large trees including encenillos (Weinmannia sp), and aguacatillos (Ocotea sp.), among others.
This magical natural destination offers lodging for 19 people in comfortable rooms with electricity, private bathroom and hot water.
We recommend a minimum stay of 2 to 3 nights to fully enjoy the activities and the variety of wildlife.
Our reservation rates do not include extra services such as meals or transportation; any of these will have an additional cost and must be requested in advance via WhatsApp: +57 322 209 0501
Make your reservation 24 hours in advance.
Walk-in reservations are not guaranteed and are dependent on current availability.
The ProAves Reserve opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 8:00 p.m.
Time of entry to your room: From 3:00 p.m. and time of departure from your room: Maximum at 10:00 a.m.
You can change the dates of the reservation, as long as there is availability.
Changes must be requested in writing and 15 days in advance. No refund is made for cancellation.
Inform us of any health problems, allergies, or food requirements.
We will offer you a special menu according to your diet.
Please, respect the natural resources of the Nature Reserve. The collection of any biological material is not allowed.
It’s necessary to travel in a 4×4 vehicle adapted to handle the conditions of some sections of the road.
Remember that the climate in Colombia can be very unpredictable! We recommend you bring suitable walking shoes, a rain jacket, long-sleeved clothing, a sun hat, and sunscreen.
In the Natural Reserve there may be power outages, so bring a flashlight and enjoy connecting with nature without the distraction of modern technology.
You do not need a yellow fever vaccine. However, we recommend using repellent since being in contact with nature there may be mosquitoes.
The entry of alcoholic beverages into the Nature Reserve is forbidden.
Follow the instructions of the Nature Reserve staff and stay on the established trails.
Las Tángaras ProAves Reserve was established in September 2010 to protect the habitat of two endemic bird species: the Tatamá Tangara (Bangsia aureocincta) and the Black-and-gold Tanager (Bangsia Melanochlamys). The municipality of Carmen de Atrato signed the memorandum of understanding to be part of the Alliance for Zero Extinction of Colombia in October 2010.
The protected area is one of the most diverse and important tropical forest sites in the world, protecting an elevation range from 1,250 to 3,400 meters above sea level. This conservation sanctuary protects the Atrato River basin, one of the most important tributaries of Chocó, which serves as a vital economic resource for thousands of inhabitants living in poor rural communities.
This strategic land acquisition helps consolidate a buffer zone that protects this conservation area from rapid and unsustainable colonization and strengthens the protection of several isolated indigenous communities. A total of sixteen private properties in the area were acquired to create the Las Tángaras Nature Reserve.
Many water sources originate in the area, highlighting the La Sánchez stream, a tributary of the Atrato River.
Regarding flora, there is a remarkable presence of numerous epiphytes and orchids (gen. Epidendrum sp), large trees including encenillos (Weinmannia sp), and aguacatillos (Ocotea sp.), among others.
It presents a high diversity index with records so far of 250 bird species, belonging to 15 orders and 42 families, highlighting the Tatamá Tangara (Bangsia aureocincta), the Black-and-gold Tanager (Bangsia melanochlamys), the Chocó Vireo (Vireo masteri), the Purplish-mantled Tanager (Iridosornis porphyrocephala), the Indigo Flowerpiercer (Diglossa Indigotica), and the White-bearded Manakin (Margarornis stellatus), as well as several species of hummingbirds such as Coeligena wilsonii, Boissaneaua jardini, and Heliodoxa imperatrix.
In amphibians, it is common to find specimens from the families Centrolenidae, Bufonidae, and Strabomantidae, with the notable presence of salamanders from the genus Bolitoglossa.