Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves


In El Paujil Nature Reserve you can connect with nature and its wonderful species of flora and fauna. This Nature Reserve is home to 394 species of birds, 32 species of amphibians, 46 of reptiles and 43 species of non-flying mammals, and was created to preserve the Blue-billed Curassow (Crax alberti) which is endemic to Colombia and critically endangered. This conservation sanctuary protects one of the most vulnerable ecosystems in Magdalena Medio, the tropical jungle. Without a doubt, an incredible place to know the wonderful biodiversity of Colombia. Visit us!

Creation date:


Humid tropical forest

Plant formation:

Tropical humid forest


27.8°c Approximately


Warm semi-humid.

Altitudinal range:

Between 175 and 750 meters altitude


In this conservation area, close to:

How to get to EL Paujil

You can travel from Ibagué, Bogotá or Medellín to the municipality of Puerto Boyacá, department of Boyacá.

You can travel from Ibagué, Bogotá or Medellín to Puerto Boyacá with the companies Brasilia, Rápido Tolima, Los Libertadores or La Reina transport.

Once in the municipality of Puerto Boyacá, look in the market street (one block from the main park) for the Transluzena company’s dispatch site to Puerto Pinzón. The departure times are: 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Estimated travel time is 2 to 3 hours.

Throughout the rainy season, you may need our additional luggage service, available at an extra cost. You can request it from local drivers or our park rangers. We’re here to make your visit more comfortable and secure!

It is not necessary to go to the municipality of Puerto Boyacá, once at the Dos y Medio crossroads you can take the road to Puerto Pinzón. Approximately 15 minutes after taking this route you will find on the left side a dirt road that leaves the paved road, there is a sign indicating Puerto Pinzón-Pozo 2.

When you arrive at Puerto Pinzón you have several options to get to the reserve: walk for 40 minutes, take a motorcycle cab or take a boat ride on the Ermitaño River. This option depends on the river’s flow depending on the rainy season.

Return: To return is the same process, the transports from Puerto Pinzón to Puerto Boyacá leave at 6:30 am, 7 am and 3 pm and from there in the main park you look for the appropriate route to the city or destination that continues.

The road generally has difficult conditions, so we recommend traveling in 4×4 vehicles.

Approximate travel time: 8 hours from Medellín.


El Paujil ProAves Reserve is located in the village of Puerto Pinzón, municipality of Puerto Boyacá, department of Boyacá.

VERY IMPORTANT: Do not follow direct Google Maps directions to El Paujil Reserve.

The Reserve has accommodation for 12 people with comfortable cabins, with private bathrooms, electricity, drinking and hot water:

Each room has a double bed, a cabin with two single beds, and a private bathroom. Capacity for 4 people.

things to do
Bird and wildlife
Hikes to the
Caño Cristal waterfall
Nighttime wildlife observation:
mammals, spiders and more
Photograph wild plants
and animals
Birdwatching from
the observation towers
Take an excursion through
the internal trails

We recommend a minimum stay of 2- 3 nights to enjoy the activities and variety of wildlife.

Amenities and services

The reservation does not include food or transportation. Any extra service must be requested at the reception and has an additional cost.



Make your reservation 24 hours in advance.

Walk-in reservations are not guaranteed and are dependent on current availability.


The ProAves Reserve opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 8:00 p.m.

Time of entry to your room: From 3:00 p.m. and time of departure from your room: Maximum at 10:00 a.m.


You can change the dates of the reservation, as long as there is availability.

Changes must be requested in writing and 15 days in advance. No refund is made for cancellation.


Inform us of any health problems, allergies, or food requirements.

We will offer you a special menu according to your diet.


Please, respect the natural resources of the Nature Reserve. The collection of any biological material is not allowed.


It’s necessary to travel in a 4×4 vehicle adapted to handle the conditions of some sections of the road.


Remember that the climate in Colombia can be very unpredictable! We recommend you bring suitable walking shoes, a rain jacket, long-sleeved clothing, a sun hat, and sunscreen.


In the Natural Reserve there may be power outages, so bring a flashlight and enjoy connecting with nature without the distraction of modern technology.


You do not need a yellow fever vaccine. However, we recommend using repellent since being in contact with nature there may be mosquitoes.


The entry of alcoholic beverages into the Nature Reserve is forbidden.


Follow the instructions of the Nature Reserve staff and stay on the established trails.

El Paujil

El Paujil ProAves Reserve was created in November 2003 to preserve the Blue-billed Curassow (Crax alberti), endemic to Colombia and critically endangered, with the support of American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Global Conservation Fund (GCF) while also ensuring the preservation of one of the most vulnerable ecosystems which had been circulated in the Middle Magdalena valley, the rain forest.

There has been about 360 species of birds registered in the reserve, 7 of which are endemic species, 8 threatened near-endemic and 8 threatened, 43 non-flying mammal species of which 18 are threatened, 24 species of flying mammals, 32 species of amphibians 1 of which is threatened and 46 species of reptiles. It also highlights: the Cotorra cabeciamarilla (Gypopsitta pyrilia), Carpintero bonito (Melanerpes pulcher), White-Mantled Barbet (Capito hypoleucus), Tiranuelo antioqueño (Phylloscartes lanyoni), Habia ceniza (Habia gutturalis), Mielero turqueza (Dacnis hartlaubi) Mono araña del Magdalena (Ateles hybridus), el Oso andino (Tremarctos ornatus) y Nutria del Magdalena (Pteronura longicauda), among others

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