This corridor had its beginnings with the establishment of the El Pangán ProAves Reserve in 2005 with the support of BirdLife International and Conservation International, in the Fund for the Strategic Ecosystems Alliance program. However, the maintenance and expansion process continues thanks to the great support of Rainforest Concern.
This initiative arose to offer sustainable alternatives (training, support and management) and environmental awareness to the neighboring communities of the reserve, as a strategy to link the community to the appropriation and care of the natural resources of the area.
This place has been considered one of the most biodiverse areas in Colombia, since 21 threatened bird species and 48 endemic bird species with restricted distributions have been registered in the area of Endemic Birds of Chocó (EBA 041-Stattersfield et al. 1998) . No other protected area of comparable size within this EBA is home to populations of so many species of birds with restricted distribution; which makes it one of the highest priority ecosystems for conservation.
The El Pangán Corridor is located on the Pacific slope of the Andes in the department of Nariño, Colombia, at 01 ° 21’N, 78 ° 04’W; 10 km north of the Junín district, Barbacoas municipality; at an altitude of between 550 to 1,900 masl and 1,900, represented by lowlands and tropical humid forests. Holdridge (1967) classifies this area into two life zones: tropical rain forest (bp-T) at an altitude between 550 and 1,100 meters above sea level and pre-montane rain forest (bp-PM) at an altitude between 1,100 and 1,700 meters above sea level.
The main objective was to establish a biological corridor between the El Pangán ProAves Reserve and the Camawari and Unipa indigenous reserves. Thus protecting 15,000 ha of tropical rain forest between an altitude strip of 1,300 m (600-1,900) as a representative forest ecosystem that conserves biodiversity and ensures in particular the survival of a good number of endemic species and globally threatened species.
Conservation actions are currently being carried out in the area thanks to the constant management that has been given to the El Pangán ProAves Reserve. This is the oldest corridor that Fundación ProAves has established and managed, as it takes 6 years of hard work and positioning.