With 1,285 species of birds registered in the eBird platform, Colombia once again occupied first place in the number of species registered worldwide on October Big Day; Peru was second with 1,152, and Ecuador third with 1,118. This annual bird count was held on a very special date that coincided with the arrival of thousands of migratory birds traversing Colombia from different parts of the world.
With more than 30 forest rangers in 15 of its 28 Reserves, Fundación ProAves participated on October 17 in Big Day, an event organized by the eBird platform managed by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Thanks to: (1) the training that the forest rangers have received on the use of eBird as a monitoring tool, (2) the investment that ProAves has made in equipment such as cell phones, binoculars, and internet access, (3) and the great love and passion that team members have for birds, it was possible to add 41 listings to eBird, which included 5,890 individual birds of 615 species between day and nights.
Which reserve was in first place?
These records positioned ProAves Reserves among the winning hotspots in Colombia: in second place with 137 species, the Chamicero del Perijá ProAves Reserve, located in the municipality of Manaure, department of Cesar; third place went to the Reinita Cielo Azul ProAves Reserve, located in the municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí, department of Santander, with 131 species; Arrierito Antioqueño ProAves Reserve, located in the municipality of Anorí, department of Antioquia, obtained sixth place and registered 127 species; seventh place was occupied by Giles-Fuertesi ProAves Reserve, which is located in the municipality of Cajamarca, Tolima department, with 121 records, and the ninth place was for Colibrí del Sol ProAves Reserve, located in the municipality of Urrao, department of Antioquia, and registered 121 species.
We are immensely grateful to all the institutions and collaborators who are committed to bird conservation; this Big Day achievement belongs to everyone. Thank you very much!