Friday 26 October 2007.
For the second time, biologists from ProAves were trained on bird monitoring techniques in the United Kingdom thanks to the support from The Wetland Trust and the British Trust for Ornithology.
Between July 14 and August 23, 2007, Andrea Pacheco and Juan Carlos Luna received training at the monitoring station of The Wetland Trust in Icklesham, near the town of Hasting, on the southern coast of England.
Andrea Pacheco and Juan Carlos Luna also participated in a rehabilitation program for waterfowl, like these young Mute Swans. |
During intensive training over the whole period, they were involved in the banding of more than 2,600 birds, operating 990 meters of mist-netting (55 nets). The average daily catch was 350 individuals with different methods and techniques.
The course enabled the two participants to interact with bird banders from England, France, Germany, Spain and Peru. This further, contributed to increasing the level of quality of bird banding by ProAves staff. There are now a total of six staff members that have received international training, including Diana Velasco, Ana María González, Camila Gómez, and María Isabel Moreno.
With the support of: