A group of young investigators arose in 2007 in the regions of Antioquia and Quindío, spurred by the need to train and shape youth as future conservationists, particularly for wild birds.
Our youth learn about birds, and engage in their study and conservation. They are involved in environmental education, investigation, and conservation activities directed by the Foundation.
The groups are integrated from students in the 11th and 12th grades. Some, after participating for an extended period with the ecological group ¨friends of birds,¨ come to influence this group and others who come because of their interest in the subject.
ProAves Foundation has two groups of Young Investigators, one in the municipality of Jardín in the department of Antioquia, created in 2007 and consisting of 8 youths, and the other in the municipality of Génova in the department of Quindío, created in 2008 and consisting of 12 young people and Roncesvalles, Tolima has 11 youth.