The success of ProAves depends on the support of people like you. Many birds in Colombia are at risk of extinction so there is much work to do.
Ways you can help to save the threatened birds of Colombia:
1.Becoming a member of ProAves FREE!
You would receive our e-bulletin Aleteo , news and invitations to participate in our events, and discounts in the purchase of publications (books and magazines).
2.Make a donation
Making a safe donation online will support our programs: Investigation, Conservation and Environmental Education to implement immediate actions to prevent bird extinction and their habitats.
3.Become part of our Ecological Group Amigo de las Aves (Friends of the Birds)!
Make an inscription to our Ecological Group Amigo de las Aves (Friend of the Birds). You would receive information about our ecological campaigns, local groups, activities and locations where to be involved.
4.Inscribe your school to the program Bird Friendly Schools (Escuela Amiga de las Aves)
Schools can become a Bird Friendly School and contribute to the conservation of threatened birds and their habitats, helping us to share knowledge about birds and habitats.
5.Adopt a nest box
You can help us avoid the extinction of a parrot species in Colombia through de program Adopt a Nest Box. You will sponsor the construction and installation of an artificial nest and its monitoring and maintenance during a year.
6.Tell your friends about us
Help to spread news of our work. Every person can do something to help!
Related news
Tragic demise of the Magdalena Spider Monkey
Thursday 15 April 2010.
This wonderful primate is targeted by hunters who kill mothers with infants. The infants cling in desperation as their shot mothers fall from the canopy… the helpless infants are taken and sold as pets. Please donate to help work with communities and stop hunting to save one of the planet’s most endangered primates.