Thursday 8 April 2010.
288,000 stamps with the official value of $ 1,900 pesos (US$1) each will start circulation in Colombia and the world.
Nine of the most beautiful images that highlight Endangered species will be posted throughout Colombia and the world to raise environmental awareness and promote respect for birds. With the stamp issue “Endangered Colombian Birds” the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications and the official postal operator, 4-72, seek to draw attention to the conservation of Colombian birds and our natural heritage.
Philatelic sheet of this issue
It is worth noting that although the issue described nine species of birds, four of them are Critical Endangered with extinction, while more than 100 species of birds in Colombia are in imminent danger. These species demand emergency measures for the conservation and preservation of their ecosystems.
Fundación ProAves has worked for 10 years for the protection of birds in Colombia, with our projects directly protecting 57% of listed species at risk in the 18 Nature Bird Reserves established in Colombia.
Among the most important projects by ProAves, whose species are found in this stamp issue, we have the Yellow-eared Parrot, the Blue-billed Curassow and Fuertes’ Parrot, among others; with these projects having major outreach both nationally and internationally. ProAves is working hard on implementing strategies and action plans that promote the conservation of species and their habitat.
288,000 stamps were printed in size 30 x 40 mm, which will have an official value of $ 1,900 pesos (US$1) each for the postage on mail pieces, letters and parcels nationally and internationally.