Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Women for Conservation receives Wildlife Friendly Certification

11 October, 2011


MxCedit2Women for Conservation was established to offer income and a better way of life for women living in the areas surrounding the bird reserves established by ProAves in Colombia.  Prior to the beginning of the project, the local people’s main means of survival was to exploit the natural resources around them in order to provide for their families. Hunting wildlife for food and illegal trapping of birds and primates for the pet trade were common practices in such areas.

The project provides income opportunities for women in the reserve’s buffer areas by training them to make environmentally friendly hand-made jewellery using sustainable harvested exotic seeds.

We have seen results of involving the women at the grassroots level in the conservation of threatened species of wildlife. The main two species that the project is helping to preserve are: El Paujil de Pico Azul (Crax alberti) – critically endangered and the Santa Marta Parakeet (Pyrrhura viridicata) – endangered; both of which are endemic to Colombia.

The Women for Conservation initiative is now part of the only certified organization that conserves threatened wildlife and their habitats while contributing to the economic vitality of rural communities. For more information on Wildlife Friendly Certification, please visit their website:

Women for Conservation has launched their brand new website for global retail sales. Visit now and enjoy 20% off. Just type the code ALETEO.

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