This activity was performed as a closure to the summit, thanks to the invitation by the Mayor of Carmen de Atrato after the official launch of the Las Tángaras Reserve in the Republican Congress and the Council of Bogotá, this important event became the best opportunity to show the natural riches of the Reserve, its invaluable biodiversity and the tourism opportunities it provides to the region.
During the visit, the Executive Director Lina Daza Rojas, Director of Conservation, Luis Felipe Barrera, and Deputy of Protected Areas northwestern region of ProAves, Johanna Villa, presented the objectives of the Foundation to the participants, the new portfolio of services and activities that are being developed in el Carmen de Atrato and the rest of the country for the benefit of birds and their habitat.
Similarly, Summit attendees learned about the facilities and other attractions of the Reserve, where they were able to check their potential and the ecological importance it has for the Chocó and the country, besides the attraction for bird watchers, ornithologists and nature tourists.
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Finally, the Conservation Director of ProAves, Luis Felipe Barrera, gave the presentation of the Alliance for Zero Extinction Colombia – AZE and as a result of the exposition several mayors signed the covenant, promising to preserve and protect one of the most diverse and important sites on the planet like the rainforests of Chocó.
The Natural Bird Reserve Las Tángaras is located between 1,380 and 3,419 meters above sea level, it protects the Atrato River basin (the most important river of the Chocó) , has a high diversity index with 250 species of birds registered so far, highlighting the Golden-ringed tanager (Bangsia aureocinta),the Black-and-gold tanager (Bangsia melanochlamys) , The Chocó Vireo (Vireo Masteri), Purplish-mantled Tanager (Iridosornis porphyrocephala), the Indigo Flowerpiercer (Diglossa indigotica) and the Pearled Treerunner (Margaronis stellatus) and several species of hummingbirds like Coeligena wilsonii, Boissaneaua Jardini and Heliodoxa Imperatrix.
Home address and visits:
Contact headquarters EcoTurs, Carrera 20 No. 36-61 Bogotá, phone (57) (1) 245-5134 and (57) (1) 340-3285, email or visit