Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Please support the conservation work of ProAves

16 August, 2012



Why Support ProAves:

ProAves has dedicated 15 years to saving the most endangered habitats and species in Colombia.

Our science-based targeted actions have saved 627,773 acres across Colombia, including the direct acquisition of over 66,718 acres of forests at imminent risk of destruction, now protected forever.

We are saving the planet’s most imperilled biodiversity. We work with rural communities to develop sustainable economies and improve livelihoods.

When you support us you are supporting real conservation actions

100% of your donation will buy and save critical habitats:

$1,000 will save 435,000 sq feet (10 acres)

$100 will save 43,500 sq. feet (1 acre)

$50 will save 21,780 sq. feet

$25 will save 10,890 sq. feet

Donate online here: through our partner Rainforest Trust (U.S. tax deductible)Follow this link if you prefer to make a donation online through our partner American Bird Conservancy.

Thank you for donating to ProAves and making a difference for biodiversity in Colombia.

Please contact ProAves Executive Director for assistance in English or Spanish:

Telephone: (57-1) 340-3261 or (57-1) 340-3229 (Bogotá, Colombia) 
