Tuesday 16 March 2010.
On 30 May the presidential elections will be called in our country and on that day we will have the opportunity to choose the candidate who best fits our ideas and needs. However, we must not forget the obligation of governments to protect and preserve natural and ecological resources; it’s a global clamor, from which we Colombians can not be alien to. To this end the Environment Alliance Pact in Colombia has been created.
This initiative, led by Fundación Malpelo and Conservation International – Colombia, seeks to mobilize Colombians to sign the agreement and ask the future president of the republic that the overcoming of the environmental crisis is incorporated as the center piece of his government’s program and development plan 2010-2014.
The Pact seeks public debate about 12 specific target approaches in which the candidates in which the environmental crisis and its solution takes the forefront of the presidential campaign and in the decision of the Colombians.
What does the Environment Alliance Pact ask of Colombians?
Colombians are called to express concern about issues such as climate change, ecosystem destruction, air, soil and water pollution, species extinction, global warming etc, these are manifestations of the global environmental crisis of the persistence of an economic model and a way of life that cause this crisis. This is done through the signing of accession to the Pact and pledging ourselves to know the candidates’ proposals on the Pact and Environment to evaluate them before deciding our vote.
What does the Environmental Pact to the presidential candidates?
1. A written undertaking, solemn, for which the candidate expresses his/her willingness to act and to make ecology a national priority.
2. His/her proposals around 12 Objectives raised by the Environment Alliance Pact of Colombia.
3. To speak out in political debates, in public settings, in academia and in press conferences and news sites on the objectives of the Environment Alliance Pact of Colombia and propose policies and actions that take place in his/her government to achieve them.
When the presidential candidates express their commitment and views we Colombians can judge their knowledge, environmental vocation, the relevance of their proposals and the expected goals of each of them and when we decide to vote we can vote wisely.
The 12 objectives of the Colombian Environment Alliance Pact fall within the following fields:
– Economy
– Energy
– Agriculture and rural
– Territory
– Transportation
– Fiscal
– Biodiversity
– Health
– Research
– International Politics
– Fishing activities
– Education
Visit the website of the alliance: www.pactoambientalcolombia.com
We invite all Colombians to participate and be part of the Alliance signed the agreement at the following link www.pactoambientalcolombia.com / vincularse.html
Colombian entities Alliance members: