Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Release of 13 Yellow-crowned Parrots in Caldas

2 March, 2011


Friday 23 April 2010.

The liberation of 13 beautiful Yellow-crowned Parrots (Amazona ochrocephala) back into the wild was held on March 18th in the presence of 35 local people including children and adults who watched the release.

The main objective of the project is to release confiscated wild parrots of this species back into the wild and document aspects of their biology and ecology and to work with the communities through multifaceted educational environmental strategies.


Liberation of Yellow crowned Parrots.

First results:

After several months in a recovery process, 13 parrots that had been subjected to captivity for several years, were released under strict control by the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Caldas CORPOCALDAS and ProAves, in the presence of students and parents of the Habana y la Garrucha Educational Institution, located between the towns of La Dorada and Victoria, in the department of Caldas.

Parrots are all too frequently caught by people to keep them as pets, in often poor conditions. The pet trade contributes to declining wild populations.


Environmental education activities – La Dorada and Victoria, Caldas.

After saving these individuals in captivity, they go through a long process of rehabilitation to recover from problems, such as eating disorders, health, social and physical amongst others. After this process where they acquire the capacity of flight and recover flight feathers they are released back into the wild.

With the support of:

corpocaldas proaves