Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Workshop on population monitoring and conservation for parrots

14 March, 2011


Monday 8 February 2010.

Fundación ProAves in its commitment to the conservation of birds in Colombia within the program of threatened parrots is looking for people interested in learning construction techniques, maintenance and monitoring of artificial nests; techniques to climb trees and palms and techniques monitoring parrot populations.



- Commit to support the research work carried out in different areas where the program is developed.

- Commit to train people in the community who may in the future to support these processes.


Professionals, graduates, biology or ecology students, and interested community support processes on monitoring Andean populations of parrots.


- Basic knowledge birds, enthusiastic, committed and willing to work for the conservation of threatened parrots in Colombia.

The site:

Roncesvalles, Tolima

ProAves, for this activity, will room and board.


1 to 8 March 2010

Interested send resume and letter of intent fundació, and

Workshop participants will be selected according to their resume, commitment and interest in the program.

With the support of:
