Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Conservation News

Vireo caribaeus

Vireo caribaeus The St. Andrew Vireo (Vireo caribaeus) is a critically endangered endemic species. Studies for this species have been developed in recent years, focused


Thryothorus nicefori

Niceforo’s Wren (Thryophilus nicefori) is endemic to Colombia but is little known and considered critically endangered, registered in historical records only in riparian forests and


RNA El Mirador, Quindío

RNA El Mirador, Génova – Quindío. El programa de monitoreo y conservación de aves migratorias, llevó a cabo el monitoreo desde Febrero del 2005 a

Taller de Máscaras

Festival Aves Migratorias

Taller de Máscaras Festival de Aves Migratorias, 2005 En el marco de sus acciones la Fundación ProAves viene desarrollando El Programa Nacional de Monitoreo y Conservación

San Andrés Isla

San Andrés Isla. El programa de monitoreo y conservación de aves migratorias, lleva a cabo el monitoreo desde Noviembre del 2003 hasta la actualidad, es

Darién, Chocó

DARIÉN CHOCÓ, ACANDÍ Y UNGÜÍA. El programa de monitoreo y conservación de aves migratorias, llevó a cabo el monitoreo desde Noviembre del 2003 a Febrero

Caparú, Vaupés

ESTACIÓN BIOLÓGICA MOSIRO ITÁJURA CAPARÚ, VAUPÉS El programa de monitoreo y conservación de aves migratorias, lleva a cabo el monitoreo desde Septiembre 2004 en la

Suroeste Antioqueño

Suroeste Antioqueño – Bosques Montanos del Sur de Antioquia. El programa de monitoreo y conservación de aves migratorias, realiza un monitoreo constante desde el año


Educational Material

The environmental education program ProAves Foundation has developed a series of educational and informative material, which aims to promote knowledge and conservation of threatened bird


Mission and Vision

Mission: To protect wild birds and their habitats in Colombia through investigation, directed conservation actions and community approach. Vision: Fundación ProAves will become established as

Grupo Ecológico

Última actualización : Miércoles 17 de mayo de 2006 GRUPO ECOLÓGICO AMIGOS DE LAS AVES 1. ¿Quienes somos? Somos grupos ecológicos creados y apoyados por

Online Data Base

The Migratory Bird Program developed a system of online reporting and analysis that allows the retrieval of information. To make information accessible and interactive to


National Census

Although Colombia is the largest number of bird species in the world (about 1879), counts of birds are a relatively new activity. For this reason



At the beginning of the XXth century this magnificent species with a long greenish-yellow tail was found in great herds in the High Colombian Andes



Colombia is a biologically rich and diverse country. There are 1889 bird species, 358 types of mammals and more than 45000 types of plants. However,



ProAves is a purely conservationist NGO, which for more than 10 years has been implementing and developing tools and conservation activities, in order to mitigate


The Advisory Council

The Council of Directors is an external and independent of the Foundation and the Board of Directors, made up of individuals, conservationists – whose sole