This was an academic event where the environmental work carried out by different organizations, institutions and local governments in southwestern Antioquia was shown. Fundación ProAves in its paper “Natural Bird Reserves: a strategy for the conservation of biodiversity in Southwestern Antioquia” by Johanna Villa, Northwest Region Assistant Director, presented the work undertaken in Conservation, Research and Environmental Educatio, with the valuable support of the Spanish organization Loro Parque Fundación, over 13 years in the municipalities of Jardín and Urrao, she also outlined the strategies by which species as important as the Yellow-eared Parrot, Wax Palm and the Colibrí del Sol have been conserved through its three lines of action.
The meeting achieved the alliance of different institutions in regard to the valuation of natural and scenic treasures of Southwestern Antioquia. They called on different state institutions, universities, nongovernmental organizations and researchers who are involved in the conservation, research, environmental education and sustainable use of biological resources through papers which set out the conservation work, research and work with communities to benefit environment, so it was possible to direct future actions to address the environmental work in the region.
Also the methods and results that have been obtained in the management of forest reserves, natural reserves of civil society, integrated management districts, processes research focused on wildlife identification and conservation strategies for endemic and / or threatened were shown.
Participants performed 3 field trips to 3 places of interest in the town of Jardín: Natural Bird Reserve Loro Orejiamarillo, a la Cueva del Esplendor and the Serranías trail.
In the event it was shown that the difficulties in the conservation of the species in Colombia remain the same: deforestation, lack of resources, habitat loss, insufficient protected areas and the lack of commitment to the conservation of biodiversity in Colombia, particularly in the region.
The conclusions reached at the meeting referred to the need to coordinate action between the different institutions that perform work for Research, Education, Conservation and use of biodiversity of the region to generate representative and far-reaching actions and influence the decisions that concern the environment in the region, establish participatory mechanisms to achieve the joint objectives and integrate an environmental network for the southwest region of Antioquia.
The meeting was convened by the Municipal Administration of Jardín, the District Administration Office of Manejo Integrated Cuchilla Jardín – Támesis, Fundación ProAves, Fundación Colibrí and Environmental Mesa Jardín Town, with the support of the Ministry of Environment of the Government of Antioquia and CORANTIOQUIA.
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