Establishment: The Fuertes’s Parrot Bird Reserve was established in December 2007 in order to ensure the conservation of the Fuertes’s Parrot (Hapalopsittaca fuertesi) habitat and resident and migratory birds that frequent it. Location and Area: It is located on the western flank of the Cordillera Central of Colombia, in the village Pedregales Alto, Genova, Quindio, in the vicinity of the Municipal Reserve El Mirador. Its altitudinal range extends from the 2,900m up to 4,000m. It has an area of 1.619 acres between the fragile ecosystems of the Andean forest, high Andean plateaus and moorlands of the central cordillera of Colombia, in which live the Fuertes’s Parrot and the Golden-plumed Parakeet (Leptosittaca branickii). It is considered by the Alliance for Zero Extinction as an AZE site. (See map). Biological Significance: There are species of high conservation significance as the Fuertes’s Parrot (Hapalopsittaca fuertesi), an endemic and critically endangered species, the Golden-plumed Parakeet (Leptosittaca branickii), a species considered vulnerable, and Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons) endemic species and endangered. Climate: Temperatures range between 6 and 15 ° C and it is an area that has a lot of cloud. Biophysical features: It is situated between: Andean forest, between 2,400m and 3,000m, with an estimated rainfall between 900-1000mm; high Andean forest, between 3,000m and 3,200m, in which the annual amount of rainfall is 1,852mm; low moorland, between 3,200m and 3,500m, with a total annual rainfall of 1,716mm, and high moorland average between 3,501m and 4,100m presenting an annual amount of rainfall of 1,548mm. |
Conservation: Project Central Cordillera, ecological easements, Women for conservation Restoration ecological y Artificial nest program. Facilities: Capacity of accommodation for nine people, electricity and water Attractions: bird watching tour, identifying the local parrot species. General Recommendations:
Income and visits:
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