ProAves promotes research not only into birds but also other species such as the special but little-studied case of the grasshopper. Currently, the entity, Forestry Consulting Group, is conducting the “Grasshoppers of Colombia” series among other publications seeking to collect visual and biological information for these species.
The research is being conducted in the Cerulean Warbler Bird Reserve located in the town of San Vicente de Chucurí, Santander. The entity Forestry Consulting Group, is currently conducting a photographic and information gathering survey about the grasshoppers of Colombia, with our Reserve Reinita Cielo Azul, one of the research centers that generated the observation of a large number of possible species and new records. Saltamontes de Colombia

According to the researcher Juan Manuel Cardona, a member of the research team which is performing the collection of grasshoppers of Colombia to print a number of publications, ranging from research papers and monographs, articles and books to guides oriented to the interested public.
One of the jobs that is expected to have a major impact, is the publication of the new records of species and genera in locations where they were not yet known, because as Cardona explained “specialists in these Orthopteras are practically nonexistent in the country, despite their obvious abundance and diversity.”
That is how ProAves promotes the conservation of the rich biodiversity of our Colombian forests.