ProAves, in association with the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of Urabá (CORPOURABA), worked on the study of the current state of the Páramo del Sol and based on this, the formulation of the Páramo del Sol management plan.
This was developed in order to comply with the national conservation objectives and thus order, plan and monitor the use of the Páramo de Urrao through programs, projects and actions that guide the conservation, restoration, management and sustainable use of natural resources, guaranteeing in turn the supply of essential environmental goods and services for human well-being for a period of 10 years.
The action strategies proposed were:
- Research strategy.
- Reserve area management strategy.
- Estrategia de participación comunitaria e institucional.
- Environmental monitoring, control and surveillance strategy.
- Financial and management strategy.
Defined programs:
Based on the study of the current state, 9 programs and 30 projects were defined for the management of the páramo, which has already begun its implementation with the support of CORPOURABA, which has involved the Urrao community and its companies in its development.

Fundación ProAves is a purely conservationist non-governmental organization, which for more than 10 years has been implementing and developing conservation tools and activities, in order to mitigate the impact caused by man on the habitats of threatened species.
The conservation area of Fundación ProAves works to contribute to maintaining the quality and availability of habitat for priority bird species for conservation through the establishment and management of natural reserves by civil society, and to develop other protection figures supported by a concept of self-sustainability and community integration, influencing local, regional and national environmental protection policies.
The objectives are:
- Establish, expand and fully manage the protected areas of the Foundation, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the function in perpetuity.
- Promote and develop actions that guarantee self-sustainability in perpetuity of Reserves.
- Participate and influence the formulation, management and implementation of conservation policies.
With this we have managed to conserve 30,503 hectares of different types of ecosystems under our Bird Nature Reserves, reforest and restore 1,200 hectares and establish 3,600 hectares under the figures of Payments for Environmental Services.