Thursday 7 June 2007.
On May 5th a group of birders conformed by Gwen Brewer, Bill Hubick, Tom Feild, and George Jett, took part in a fund raising event for the Cerulean Warbler Bird Reserve as part of the Southern Maryland Audubon Society annual fund raising birdathon. They started at 3 AM and birded until well after 10 PM. They finished with 130 species. This team raised just over $2,500 and contributions are still coming in.

On May 12th Partners in Flight (PIF) and International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) joined together to host a World Series of Birding team, the Redstarts with members from Canada, the United States, and Latin America. They saw a total of 212 species and tied for 6th place in the World Series of Birding event. A third of their funds raised (total not yet available) will contribute to the Cerulean Warbler Bird Reserve, own by ProAves. For more information about the PIF/IMBD team efforts (including a list of birds seen) click here. To learn more about the World Series of Birding click here.
Many THANKS to the team members and their supporters for these efforts!
The Bird Conservation Alliance and American Bird Conservancy efforts for raising finds for this appeal will continue until the end of the year.