Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Conservation News


El pasado 23 de Septiembre, la Corporación Autónoma Regional Corantioquia, Territorial Citará, celebró sus 15 años de labores con una ceremonia en la que hizo


Los premios Alejandro Ángel Escobar son considerados como el más alto galardón científico del país no sólo por la alta calidad de quienes los han



ProAves’ objective to conserve wild birds in Colombia, carries out three Bird festivals each year, through out the country and with the support of local


Migratory Bird Festival

Paula Romero y Fernando Laverde Fundación Arte y Conservación. Campaña 2010. Each year during winter, thousands of birds travel from North America and from South



Birding and nature tourism for conservation. In a pioneering initiative, ProAves and EcoTurs Colombia have teamed up to offer high quality and safe birding


Thereatened Amphibians

Phyllobates terribilis. Colombia ranks second worldwide after Brazil with 753 species of amphibians, making it one of the most diverse and rich in amphibians (Frost

Service Portfolio

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Biblioteca Ornitología

PRESENTACIÓN La Biblioteca de Ornitología se encuentra abierta a todas las personas, estudiantes, ornitologos, investigadores y conservacionistas de aves y sus hábitats en Colombia, cuyo



Since the creation of the National Network of Monitoring in 2003, we have established 43 cooperation agreements with 61 organizations to create a monitoring network


Bird Banding

As a system to regulate the activities of capture and handling of birds, ProAves has been standardizing and elevating the quality of bird banding in



Visit our Eco-Volunteer website ProAves is a non-profit organisation that was set up in 1998. It was created to protect birds and their habitats


Help us!

The success of ProAves depends on the support of people like you. Many birds in Colombia are at risk of extinction so there is much



Fundación ProAves develops diverse campaigns throughout the country in benefit of conservation of bird species and their habitats. With the help of environmental educators, ecological


Reconcile with Nature

 Paula Romero y Fernando Laverde Fundación Arte y Conservación. Campaign 2010 The Critically Endangered Wax Palm is cut down to adorn churches and processions on

Dusky Starfrontlet Bird Reserve

(Coeligena orina)   Establishment: In order to protect the habitat of the Dusky Starfrontlet (Coeligena orina) and conserve a sample of one of the moorland

Andean Parrots Birds Reserve

(Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons) Establishment:  The Andean Parrots Birds Reserve was established on 21st April 2009 with the aim of protecting the habitat of five endangered species


Ornithology courses

Nystalus radiatus ProAves provides annually, with the assistance of his staff and guest instructors from different institutions at national and / or international training courses


Thesis Studies

ProAves is leader in training young researchers in Colombia, with our Scholarships, Thesis Program, aimed to link biology students or young professionals, so that they


La Fundación ProAves ofrece oportunidad a estudiantes y jóvenes investigadores para realizar proyectos de investigación. La Fundación ProAves ofrece a estudiantes de últimos semestres de


ProAves produce documentación práctica y de sensibilización sobre las aves y su conservación, dirigida tanto al público en general como especializado.   Contamos con publicaciones

EBA Reportes

Conozca los reportes publicados por los investigadores que trabajan en el Proyecto EBA


Golden-winged Warbler

(Vermivora chrysoptera) Alianza Alas Doradas is a Golden-winged Warbler research and conservation group. The Golden-winged Warbler is a migratory bird listed as Near Threatened on


Municipal Reserve El Mirador

Establishment:  Golden-Plumed Parrakeet (Leptosittaca branickii) The properties that make up the reserve was acquired by the town of Génova, Quindío (Colombia), in order to comply


Restoration and Reforestation

Restoration and reforestation. The reforestation process started with the production of seedlings in light of the need to restore and enhance forest habitat. After the


Parrot Bus

   The parrot bus acts as a mobile environmental education classroom. Since 2005, Parrot Bus has been used as environmental educational tool driving all over

Data Base

Our online database for bird monitoring and research by ProAves has recorded data on 1,163 species (61.8%) of birds in Colombia. Among these species, 107

Blue-billed Curassow Festival

The Blue-billed Curassow is an endemic and highly endangered species in Colombia. In the frame of the Environmental Education program, ProAves develops, in Puerto Pinzón,

Listado de Aves de Colombia

Colombia es el país más diverso del mundo en aves, con 1871 especies, más que cualquier otro país del mundo. La Fundación ProAves mantiene y

Threatened Parrots Festival

Threatened Parrots Festival is a massive event that takes place in the second half of each year to invite the community to help protect the

Pyrrhura viridicata

The parrot Pyrrhura viridicata in Sierra Nevada is an endemic species inhabiting the mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.It was listed by IUCN

Mamíferos amenazados

Gracias a un número de diferentes proyectos realizados por tesistas e investigadores, localizamos en el 2006 una población importante del mono Choibo (Ateles hybridus) en


Grupo Ecológico

Última actualización : Miércoles 17 de mayo de 2006 GRUPO ECOLÓGICO AMIGOS DE LAS AVES 1. ¿Quienes somos? Somos grupos ecológicos creados y apoyados por


Young Researchers

A group of young investigators arose in 2007 in the regions of Antioquia and Quindío, spurred by the need to train and shape youth as


Hapalopsittaca amazonina

Rusty-faced Parrot (Hapalopsittaca amazonina velezi) is categorized as an endangered species in the international scope and as vulnerable in the Colombian national scope. The reason

Adopt a nest box

If you want to help to avoid the extinction of three species of parrots in Colombia you can do it through the program Adopt a


Bird Friendly Schools

With the Programme Bird Friendly Schools, Fundación ProAves aims to link the educational institutions with conservation, research and environmental education processes being carried out, in

List of children birds Friends Groups

GRUPO AMIGOS DE LAS AVES MUNICIPIO NIÑOS GÉNOVA, QUINDÍO Díaz Clavijo., Maria Camila García., Tania Maria Garzón., Johanna González Romero., Sebastián Osorno Nieto., Laydy Tatiana


Military Macaw

The Military Macaw (Ara militaris) is a species that has been ranked as vulnerable both globally and nationally due to the destruction of its habitat,