Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

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Revista Conservación Colombiana 29

© Edgar Solorzano-Yara. Consulta los volúmenes anteriores de Conservación Colombiana Revista de difusión de acciones de conservación de la Fundación ProAves Colombia. ISSN: 1900-1592 Entidad


Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con Susana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con SusechfewfV S  ana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con


Comunicado oficial Fundación Proaves de Colombia La Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró al COVID-19 (Coronavirus) como pandemia, es decir, que la enfermedad se extiende

Chamicero de Perijá ProAves Reserve

The Chamicero del Perijá Bird Reserve was created on January 28, 2014, in order to preserve one of the most fragile and important sites of Colombia, the

Sustainability of Reserves

Bird watching excursions and nature conservation  In a pioneering initiative in Colombia, ProAves provide bird watching excursions and nature observation of high quality and safety,

Chamicero del Perijá Bird Reserve

Establishment: The Chamicero del Perijá Bird Reserve was created on January 28, 2014, in order to preserve one of the most fragile and important sites

The Gorgeted Puffleg Hummingbird Bird Reserve

Establishment: The Gorgeted Puffleg Hummingbird Bird  Reserve  was established in 2011 in order to conserve the habitat of the Gorgeted Puffleg Hummingbird (Eriocnemis isabellae) endemic and

The Jaguar Natural Reserve

Establishment The Jaguar Natural Reserve was established on February 5th 2013 in order to conserve the habitat of the Jaguar (Panthera onca), the Pink Amazon

Gorrión Andivia Bird Reserve

Establishment: The Gorrión Andivia Bird Reserve, was created in 2012 with the aim of preserving the habitat of the Tanager Finch (Oreothraupis arremonops) and Munchique

Conservación Colombiana

Conservación Colombiana is a scientific journal launched in 2006 and published by Fundación ProAves. The main topic of the journal is the ecology and status


Ranita Terribilis Bird Reserve

        Phyllobates terribillis. Location: The reserve is situated near the bank of the Timbiqui River, a short distance from the municipality of


Ecological Easements

A conservation easement is an agreement between two or more owners in which at least one of them agrees voluntarily to limit the use of


Cerulean Warbler Conservation Corridor

Conservation Corridor Cerulean Warbler ProAves Reserve The Cerulean Warbler Corridor was designed and established in 2008 in the town of San Vicente de Chucuri to


Andean Parrots Corridor

Reserva ProAves Loros Andinos This corridor was designed and established since 2004 after having established the El Mirador Municipal Reserve as a loan, in order


El Pangán Corridor

This corridor had its beginnings with the establishment of the El Pangán ProAves Reserve in 2005 with the support of BirdLife International and Conservation International, in the Fund for the


Las Tangaras Bird Reserve

 Bangsia melanochlamys     Establishment:  Las Tángaras Bird Reserve was created in October 2009 to protect the habitat of two endemic bird species: The Golden-ringed

Neotropical Migratory Bird

  Oreothlypis peregrina The National Programme for the Monitoring and Preservation of Migratory Birds is a ProAves Foundation initiative carried out with the cooperation of


photo of the week

Photo of the week Rufous-Capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons)                                   

Fundación Proaves

Fundación ProAves: We are a Colombian non-profit organization that focuses on the study and conservation of our biodiversity, especially birds at risk of extinction and

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About ProAves

Fundación ProAves hatched in 1998 out of the initiative of a group of dedicated Colombian conservationist interested in saving the Yellow-eared Parrot. ProAves’s mission is

Environmental Education

Through the development of diverse tools, products and programs, Fundación ProAves works to generate strategies of environmental education with the intention of increase knowledge, sustainable


Research is at the core of every one of our preservation actions. The belief that biodiversity can not be preserved by ad hoc actions is

El Pangán Bird Reserve

   Establisment:   (Cephalopterus peduliger)   The Pangán Bird Reserve was created in 2002 through the interest of the fundación ProAves to conserve forests in

Yellow-eared Parrot

  The Yellow-eared parrot –Ognorhynchus icterotis- is an Andean species the size of a small macaw, 42 cms. approximately, when it reaches maturity. With a