The Golden dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis) is an endemic amphibian of the Colombian Pacific coast, and is considered the most poisonous vertebrate on earth. ProAves and the World Land Trust have partnered to protect this incredible species through launching new environmental education and awareness campaigns in communities living around our Ranita Terribilis Reserve, located in the municipality of Timbiquí, Cauca.
The Golden poison dart frog is Endangered with extinction (EN) according to the IUCN Red List, and its populations are continuing to decline due to deforestation, slash-and-burn agriculture, illicit crops, and pollution of its habitat.
The ProAves ranger team has been visiting local schools and communities surrounding Reserva ProAves Ranita Terribilis, to educate the local population about Phyllobates terribilis, and promote conservation practices to protect this small amphibian at the community level.
Learn more about the Golden poison dart frog:
ProAves and the World Land Trust (WLT) are committed to the conservation of the Golden poison dart frog and other amphibian species threatened with extinction.