Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Conservation News

Chestnut – capped Piha Bird Reserve

(Lipaugus weberi)    Establishment:   The Chestnut-capped Piha Bird Reserve was created to protect the habitat of Chestnut-capped Piha (Lipaugus weberi), on 27 November 2006.


Cerulean Warbler

ProAves supports the Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) in various ways. One avenue is through Grupo Cerúleo, which is developing a conservation strategy for the species

Dos nuevas ranas venenosas para Colombia

Dos nuevas ranas de la familia Dendrobatidae fueron descubiertas por Alonso Quevedo de ProAves y Oscar Gallego de la Universidad del Tolima, en la Cordillera


Rhamphophryne macrorhina

Rhamphophryne macrorhina is a kind of buffoon who inhabits montane forests north of the central cordillera of Colombia, is mainly active in the forest floor

Ranitomeya opisthomelas

Ranitomeya opisthomelas was listed in 2004 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2006) as a vulnerable species because their distribution is less


Oophaga histrionica

The species at the time Oophaga histrionica is not listed under the categories of threat, though belonging to the family of poison dart frogs are


New training to ProAves in the UK

Friday 26 October 2007. For the second time, biologists from ProAves were trained on bird monitoring techniques in the United Kingdom thanks to the support


Lepidopyga lilliae

Lepidopyga lilliae is a species of which little is known except for some records in the departments of Atlántico, Guajira and Magdalena, which has been


North Andean Corridor

Assessing the role of oak forests and a system of protected areas in the conservation of threatened birds. Oak forests are one of the most


Wood energy

Wood is a widely used resource that meets the daily needs of energy for cooking and heating homes for much of the Colombian population. While

Campaña “Entrega tu cauchera”

Después de los recorridos efectuados por el Loro Bus en diferentes regiones de Colombia, ProAves acaba de emprender una campaña para que los niños entreguen


Courses Bird Monitoring Techniques

Atlapetes schistaceus. Aimed at students of biology, ecology related sciences, researchers, public sector officials in the environmental sector and all those interested in studying birds.


ProAves en Feria de Aves del Reino Unido

Del 17 al 19 de agosto, ProAves y {{[Ecoturs->]}} tuvieron una exhibición en la Feria de Aves del Reino Unido, en Rutland Water, Inglaterra. Aproximadamente

Nuevo cuidado parental en el Perico Paramuno

Con el apoyo de {{[Loro Parque Fundación->]}}, el equipo de trabajo de ProAves registró el pasado mes de marzo un comportamiento nunca antes visto en


Migratory birds loyal to Colombia

Friday 24 August 2007. Every year, after traveling more than 10,000 kilometers from their breeding grounds, migratory birds are returning to exactly the same site


Bird Banding

Aimed at students of Biology, Ecology, Forestry or related Engineering, University Professors, professional researchers, public officials and environmental and all persons interested in the study


Próximo Curso de Anillamiento

Hasta el {{10 de agosto}} se encuentran abiertas las inscripciones y opciones de pago, para el {{4to. Curso Básico de Anillamiento de Aves}}, que se


Primeras fotos publicadas de dos aves raras

Investigadores de ProAves fotografiaron un Hormiguero Pico de Hacha {(Clytoctantes alixii) }y un Periquito del Perijá ({Pyrrhura caeruleiceps)} en su medio y lo publicaron por


ProAves abre convocatorias para varios cargos en el área de Investigación. CONVOCATORIAS: 1. DIRECTOR DE INVESTIGACIÓN ProAves abre convocatoria para el cargo de Director de

Algunas aves asociadas a Polylepis

Polylepis Project

With support from American Bird Conservancy, in 2005 and 2006 the Foundation ProAves implemented a project of identification of Polylepis (Coloradito) forests and their associated


Ateles hybridus

Choibo (Ateles hybridus) The Brown Spider Monkey or Variegated Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus, I. Goeffroyi – St. Hilaire, 1829), primate of the family Atelinae is