One of ProAves Foundation’s strategic lines contemplates research as a transversal axis to contribute to the conservation of the fauna and flora of our country. We proudly announce that the 28th issue of the journal Conservación Colombiana is now online and available for review in digital format.
The current edition includes research articles focused on major importance species to our country, such as the Colombian mountain grackle (Macroagelaius subalaris), The Baudo Guan (Penelope ortoni), and the Andinobates poisonous frog (Andinobates dorisswansonae). In addition, this issue presents content about the bird species that inhabit Colombian oak forests and Dry forests in the department of Santander.
In their other editions, the Conservación Colombiana Journal has included articles presenting the results of the research and monitoring of threatened species, universitary degree research projects, bird population countings and statistics, action plans or strategies developed to protect particular species, places, or regions, and progress reports on the expansion of the protected areas network in Colombia.
Check out and read the last issue of the Conservación Colombiana Journal:

We thank the institutions, students, and researchers who continue to contribute to this commitment to conservation and the generation of species knowledge to preserve our country’s most threatened habitats.