Children and young people in the surrounding areas of Reinita Cielo Azul y Pauxi Pauxi ProAves Reserves, located in the municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí, Santander department, are strengthening their birding abilities and learning to understand the biodiversity of the region.
As part of its conservation strategies, the Fundación ProAves has implemented study and research groups with children and young people in the area, where the rangers and the Deputy Director teach them to identify and recognize different species of mammals, frogs, snakes, plants and birds.
Through different activities such as tree planting, vegetable plot maintenance, drawing workshops, environmental education, recreational and sports activities, children and young people have learned to love and take care of our greatest treasure: the planet and all its forms of life.
Likewise, the study group of the surrounding areas of Reinita Cielo Azul ProAves Reserve participated in the Global Bid Day 2021, where around 170 species of birds were sighted in their wild state, greatly motivating the various communities to implement conservation strategies from their homes.

We are very grateful to the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) for their support in reaching out to communities and, especially for their help with the migratory bird program in the ProAves Reserves.