Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

We are launching Volume 29 (2) of our Conservación Colombiana Journal, contributing to scientific research and biodiversity protection

20 December, 2024


The Conservación Colombiana Journal is a space dedicated to scientific research and knowledge on biodiversity in Colombia and other regions of Latin America. With a rigorous and multidisciplinary approach, the journal has established itself over more than 25 years as an essential tool for researchers, educators, and conservation enthusiasts, significantly contributing to the care of biodiversity and the protection of wildlife and their ecosystems.

Volume 29 (2) of the journal includes nine articles highlighting innovative research and important findings for the preservation of species and their habitats. Among the key topics covered in this edition are details on the ecological characterization of flora, herpetofauna, mammal fauna, and birds in the ProAves Las Tángaras Reserve, located in El Carmen de Atrato, Chocó, which has been declared a Regional Natural Park. This declaration underscores the importance of conserving one of the country’s most biodiversity-rich ecosystems, the Biogeographic Chocó.

Additionally, one of the articles reports the main challenges and opportunities for agrobiodiversity in Perú, providing a comprehensive analysis exploring how biodiversity can be key to sustainable development.

Foto: Nigel Voaden

This edition highlights the notable sighting of Eriocnemis mirabilis in the Peñas Blancas district, rural area of Cali, Valle del Cauca. This hummingbird, classified as Endangered (EN) and endemic to Colombia, is also the emblematic bird of the Munchique National Natural Park. This sighting is a significant record, expanding knowledge about its distribution and conservation efforts.

The Conservación Colombiana Journal not only highlights advances in research and conservation in Colombia and Latin America, but this content also serves as a reference for the academic community and a key resource for those working to protect wildlife and their ecosystems.

To access the full journal, visit the following link: