ProAves launches five scholarships for women interested in researching within El Jaguar – ProAves Reserve.
Aiming to contribute to research and scientific women’s empowerment in our country, ProAves launches its Scholarship program. This will sponsor five women interested in developing undergraduate or postgraduate research processes focused on preserving species and their habitats in the El Jaguar-ProAves Reserve, located in the municipality of Mapiripán – Meta, Río Guaviare. This initiative aims to protect 5,800 hectares in the Guaviare River corridor between Meta and Guainía, considering actions to protect biodiversity and endangered species within this territory.
The USD 500 scholarship includes:
– USD 500 for covering life insurance, traveling, and food expenses.
– Accommodation at the El Jaguar – ProAves Reserve
– Supervision by the ProAves Colombia Team
Duration of the fieldwork stage: 1 – 1.5 months
Location: Book El Jaguar – ProAves Reserve, Mapiripán – Meta
Women granted the research Scholarship must:
Present a report of the activities to the Research Director of ProAves.
Contribute with (2) community workshops on the researched topic or from their work experience.
Submit an article on the research findings for the Conservación Colombiana magazine.
Scholarship application requirements:
Being female undergraduate or postgraduate students. This will be verified with a certification that validates that they are completing their academic training.
Perform a research project focused on the preservation of species and their habitats in the abovementioned Reserve.
If the candidate is not part of an academic program, she must write a letter of intent stating why she would be a relevant candidate for the project and what research topic she would be interested in pursuing. The letter should be sent to the email
If necessary, she can apply to other organizations to expand the resources and co-finance the project.
The application will be open from October 15, 2023, and it must be done using the following form.
For questions or more information, please get in touch with the following contacts: Alex Cortés, mail:, cell phone number: 3127392635 or Luis Gabriel Mosquera, mail:, cell number: 3105375059.
(Check the following list of species in the threat category reported in El Jaguar – ProAves Reserve, as it may be helpful to devise the project.)