Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con Susana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con SusechfewfV S ana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con
Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves
Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con Susana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con SusechfewfV S ana Revisar señalética de rutas de evacuación con
Since 2007, the Pauxi pauxi ProAves Reserve has protected over 5,000 acres of unique Rainforest in the Magdalena valley of Colombia for the endangered Northern Helmeted Curassow and many other threatened and endemic species. Recent threats of
We held the second annual Migratory Bird Festival in San Vicente de Chucurí, department of Santander, with numerous activities such as workshops, talks, ecological walks,
ProAves participated in the October Big Day and added a total of 81 eBird lists– with 3,578 individuals and 588 distinct species of birds across
Women play an essential role in the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable development of communities, which is why it’s essential that their work in
The Fundación ProAves has teamed up with the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute to collect biological samples of the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in the Foundation’s
A team of butterfly experts published a Checklist of Colombian Butterflies, which contains, for the first time, 3,642 species of lepidoptera that fly in the
By Pablo Flórez Colombia is one of the most beautiful and biodiverse countries on the planet. With over 1,941 species of birds, it possesses the highest number
Fundación ProAves is once again a member of the Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) with the aim of continuing to work hard to prevent the extinction